Beware of Fraudulent Medicare Calls
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Medicare Part D
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Each year, Legal Aid and its volunteers help more than one hundred people select a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan that will cover all of their prescriptions at an affordable cost, without restrictions. The open enrollment period takes place each year from October 15 through December 7. The value Legal Aid and its volunteer network contribute can make a critical difference in the lives of the clients we serve. In some cases, clients have saved thousands of dollars by switching plans when their current plan may not have continued to cover their medications in the following year. Having guidance while navigating this complex prescription drug program is important.

Unfortunately, as reported this week by the Washington Post, some companies take advantage of this complex system, and use the open season as an opportunity to push misleading information in order to sign people up for plans that may not meet their health care needs. Even worse, some people have been signed up for new Medicare plans without their knowledge or consent. People may only realize something is wrong when they cannot get a medication at the pharmacy, or see their preferred doctor, after the first of the year.

People should be careful who they share personal information (such as Social Security numbers and Medicare numbers) with, especially if they have received a call from a person or organization they are not familiar with. DC residents with Medicare, who also have Medicaid or QMB, can contact Legal Aid for help in selecting a Part D prescription drug plan for 2022.

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