As we approach the end of the year, I’m sure many of us are thinking about how we’d like to give back. While there are so many valuable organizations across DC to support, I wanted to share with you why Legal Aid is always at the top of my list.
For the past 90 years, Legal Aid has been providing free legal services to people in the District. In that time, they’ve helped countless people stay in their homes, gain custody of their children, and access essential benefits. In 2022 alone, they assisted some 9,000 people, including clients like Ms. Amin. Ms. Amin came to Legal Aid seeking a divorce from her abusive husband. Her case was complicated by the fact that her husband was a citizen and Ms. Amin was not, and that Ms. Amin relied on her husband’s health insurance to provide essential care. After many complicated legal battles, Legal Aid helped Ms. Amin secure a Civil Protection Order, obtain health insurance, and resolve her immigration issue.
Ms. Amin’s story was just one of many featured in the 2022 Annual Report. As an attorney, I know the difference that having access to counsel makes. Reading the stories of Legal Aid’s work this year highlighted that point again and again and reinforced why I make it a point to donate.
The new year is sure to bring challenges for everyone, but as the cost of living continues to increase, the impact will be felt the most by people who are already struggling to make ends meet. In DC, the average rent has increased by 9% and more than 7,000 households could be at risk of foreclosure. There has never been a more important time to make sure that everyone in the District has access to the legal assistance they need.
For just $390 you can staff a Legal Aid attorney for a full day, while $1,950 will support them for an entire week. And now is the perfect time to give. I’ve pledged a portion of a $100,000 match from attorneys across DC. If you donate before the end of the year, you can help unlock that match and double the impact of your gift. Whatever you can give this year could be what helps to keep a family in their home or a survivor leave a dangerous situation. Please consider supporting Legal Aid and helping them unlock the match!