Candy Page

Candy Page shared joint custody with her 11-year-old daughter’s father for several years, with their daughter spending alternating weeks at each parent’s home. Then, after an alleged domestic dispute at the father’s home prompted the DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) to start an investigation, as well as other incidents that made Ms. Page concerned for her daughter’s safety, she filed an emergency motion to change the terms of the custody arrangement in early 2021. The motion was initially granted and the father’s visitation was suspended for a short time.
When the parties appeared in court shortly thereafter, the father was represented by counsel. He was successful in regaining visitation with the daughter, and he and his counsel undertook a campaign to convince the Court that Ms. Page was an unfit mother.
Legal Aid DC referred Ms. Page to the Groom Law Group where associate Kalena Kettering took the lead in representing her. Kalena successfully turned the tide of the litigation by expertly illustrating to the Court that Ms. Page provided her daughter with a stable and loving home.
"She saw my case for what it was and she fought for me," Ms. Page said.
The parties eventually agreed to work with a mediator to address their custody and visitation dispute. Meanwhile, Ms. Page, who runs a nonprofit dedicated to raising funds for children’s education around the world, was accepted to a public policy master’s program in Chicago. With the help of the mediator, the parties were able to agree to a custody arrangement where the parties retain joint legal custody. Although her daughter will continue to live in the DC area while Ms. Page is completing her degree, the custody agreement also provides that Ms. Page have scheduled visitation with her daughter, including visits in Chicago and daily phone calls when they are apart. Ms. Page is looking forward to spending Christmas with her daughter this year.