Faozia Aboulrahman

For years, Faozia Aboulrahman endured her husband’s abuse — mental, physical, sexual — but the abuse stayed secret. When, in the context of divorce proceedings, he threatened to kill her and then himself, Ms. Aboulrahman turned to Legal Aid DC. With an experienced domestic violence/family law attorney by her side, she bravely told her story, first to Legal Aid DC, and then to the court. During discovery, Ms. Aboulrahman’s Legal Aid DC attorney found out about marital property and funds the husband had deliberately hidden. Throughout the protracted, contentious proceedings, Ms. Aboulrahman stayed strong — and she was vindicated for her persistence. At the conclusion of the trial, Ms. Aboulrahman received alimony of $300 a month, $2,050 from the refinancing of their jointly-held home, and half of her abuser’s income. All of this allowed her to begin the process of restarting her life.