In the Media
D.C. Council Weighs Allowing More Evictions
Landlords could file evictions against tenants over unpaid rent later this summer, depending on how the Council votes next week.
Landlords could file evictions against tenants over unpaid rent later this summer, depending on how the Council votes next week.
Appeals Court Sides With D.C. To Authorize The City’s Ban On Eviction Filings
Tenants scored a victory in the D.C. Court of Appeals on Thursday.
Tenants scored a victory in the D.C. Court of Appeals on Thursday.
Workers Report New Problems Claiming Unemployment in the District
A series of hearings this fall revealed the difficulties jobless workers have had accessing federal benefits, including long wait times to speak to the Department of Employment Services (DOES), and months-long waits for benefits.
A series of hearings this fall revealed the difficulties jobless workers have had accessing federal benefits, including long wait times to speak to the Department of Employment Services (DOES), and months-long waits for benefits.
Delay for Unemployment Benefits Could Last at Least a Week
People receiving unemployment benefits in the region may need to wait at least one week before aid resumes after President Trump signed a pandemic relief plan.
People receiving unemployment benefits in the region may need to wait at least one week before aid resumes after President Trump signed a pandemic relief plan.
75,000+ in DC Could See Unemployment Benefits Expire on Saturday
Legal Aid DC said Saturday that more than 75,000 people could lose unemployment benefits due to the delay in passing the pandemic relief package.
Legal Aid DC said Saturday that more than 75,000 people could lose unemployment benefits due to the delay in passing the pandemic relief package.
Why People Are Waiting Weeks For Unemployment Benefits
Unemployed D.C. residents are going without their benefits because they worked in neighboring states, even if it was for just two weeks.
Unemployed D.C. residents are going without their benefits because they worked in neighboring states, even if it was for just two weeks.
DC’s Unemployed Testify About Frustrations in Accessing Extension Benefits
Monica Stempo, a former bartender in D.C., joined other restaurant, self-employed and gig workers who testified to the D.C.
Monica Stempo, a former bartender in D.C., joined other restaurant, self-employed and gig workers who testified to the D.C.
Going to Court Without a Lawyer was Always Hard. The Pandemic has Made it Much Harder.
With courthouses still closed, judges and legal aid groups fear people who can’t afford lawyers are being shut out of the civil justice system altogether.
With courthouses still closed, judges and legal aid groups fear people who can’t afford lawyers are being shut out of the civil justice system altogether.

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