Unemployment Insurance Lawsuit
Can I be part of the litigation?
If you applied for unemployment benefits in the District of Columbia, we might be able to help you if you:
- Were denied benefits and never got a notice from DC, OR
- Got benefits and they were cut off without a notice from DC, OR
- Got benefits and the DC government took them to pay back an overpayment and DC did not explain or give notice why they thought you owed them money
How can I apply for help?
If any of the above applies to you, please apply for help online at Online Intake. If you can’t apply online, you can call our intake line at 202-628-1161.
We cannot guarantee that we will be able to help you or include you in the lawsuit. If we think we can help, we will follow up within two weeks.
Legal Aid thanks the four named plaintiffs for their courage in filing this case: Mulugeta Hailu, William Perry, Mizan Werede, and Yohannes Woube.
Workers Sue D.C. Unemployment Office For Allegedly Denying Or Seizing Benefits Without Notice
WAMU ● January 5, 2022
Workers Sue D.C. Unemployment Agency for Allegedly Denying Benefits Without Explanation
Washington Post● January 5, 2022
Workers Sue D.C. Unemployment Office For Allegedly Denying Or Seizing Benefits Without Notice
WAMU ● January 5, 2022
Workers Sue D.C. Unemployment Agency for Allegedly Denying Benefits Without Explanation
Washington Post● January 5, 2022
Motion for Preliminary Injunction
Exhibit A_DOES Responses
Exhibit B_Marrero Opinion
Hailu Declaration
Werede Declaration
Woube Declaration
Perry Declaration
Gutman Declaration
Mezey Declaration
Proposed Order
Hailu, Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction
Hailu, Reply to Motion for PI