Hannah Mezzacappa

J.D., University of Michigan Law School
B.A., University of Virginia
Hannah Mezzacappa is a Staff Attorney in the Family Law and Domestic Violence Unit. She represents survivors in civil protection order cases and other family law matters.
Prior to joining Legal Aid DC, Hannah clerked for the Honorable Anthony C. Epstein of the D.C. Superior Court. Hannah received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School, where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Michigan Journal of Gender & Law and as a Student Attorney in the Michigan Human Trafficking and Child Advocacy Law Clinics.
As a law student, Hannah interned at Legal Aid DC in the DV/Family Unit and AEquitas, volunteered with the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project, and participated in gender-based violence advocacy at the University of Michigan. Hannah received B.A.s in Political Philosophy, Policy & Law and Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies from the University of Virginia, where she also worked to raise awareness about campus sexual violence and support survivors.